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Right food to eat before Exercise or Workout to lose weight and gain muscle strength

Right diet to be consumed before exercising

We all want to get the most out of a workout – to train harder, spin faster, run quicker, jump higher. And, while many of us prepare mentally for a challenging workout, we sometimes forget to fuel the engine or to do it properly. Not being adequately fuelled led to a weak-feeling workout and unusually sore muscles the next day.
As you get closer to your workout time, carbs with a little bit of protein should be your main focus. If you only have one to two hours before your workout, keep your snack light (preferably under 200 calories, more if your goal is to gain weight or muscle). This mixed carb-protein snack will help you feel satisfied, energized and may also help reduce muscle soreness post-workout.
Snacks are always best consumed two to three hours before working out, but these foods are still ok to eat up to 30 minutes before a workout, is long as they digest quickly and easily. The   lighter your food should be when you have less time

Pre-Workout Foods: 

Known as nature’s power bar, bananas are packed with carbohydrates and potassium, which supports nerve and muscle function. 

Consuming a fruit smoothie before exercising is a healthy pre-workout meal option that can provide you with a good source of fast-acting glucose. They’re super quick to make, just use your favourite sliced fruit and some Greek yogurt for protein and a thicker consistency. It’s best to make it yourself, but if you’re picking one up, just check the label to make sure it’s got wholesome ingredients and no sugar.

Because they are full of fibre, oats release carbohydrates gradually. Due to this slow release, energy levels are kept consistent throughout your workout, meaning you can train harder for longer. They also contain Vitamin B, which helps convert carbohydrates into energy. Irish oats are often considered the best, as they are the least processed type and boast a lower glycaemic load than quick-cooking and instant oats.

Dairy with protein like Greek yogurt, quark or cottage cheese is great combined with naturally sweetened fruit before a workout. This healthy snack is easy on your stomach, and when paired with a small number of nuts, will keep blood sugar levels from dropping mid-workout. Just remember not to consume too much of this snack — especially the nuts, because they take longer to digest.

Grilled Chicken, Broccoli, And Sweet Potato
If you are working on building muscle mass then this combo is a must-try. Although it is more of a meal than a snack, there’s a reason pro-athletes chow down on this regularly

Dried Fruit
For a quick, easy and good pre-workout food, fix yourself some dried berries, apricots, figs, and pineapple. Dried fruits are a good source of simple carbohydrates that are easily digestible.

Whole Grain Bread 
One slice of whole grain bread is an excellent source of carbs. Add some hard-boiled eggs for a protein-packed snack, or some low-fat turkey.
Enjoying sliced apple with a bit of nut butter 30 minutes before exercising won’t harm your workout. It’s perfect f you’re wanting something sweet because it has fibre to prevent that sugar crash mid-squat session, and it’s a sure-fire way to ensure you’re stocking up on necessary vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Top Tip:    
Make sure you eat your meal and snack 30-90 minutes before you work out, so you don’t feel bloated. If eating a larger meal, wait the full 90 minutes, but if you’re sticking with a snack, 30 minutes should be fine.

Pre-Workout Meals for Specific Goals

1. For Bodybuilding
As a bodybuilder, you're trying to stay lean and build plenty of muscle. Having small portion of meal about an hour before your workout--not a heavy one that will sit lean in your stomach--will help you see the muscle growth you're looking for. Your small meal should be made up of equal parts lean protein and carbs. Some great ideas include:
  • Egg whites
  • Whey protein isolate
  • Fresh fruits including oranges, strawberries, or apples
  • Brown rice or long-grain white rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Wheat pasta
  • Chicken or turkey
Note that timing and portion control are critical in this pre-workout meal. You want to eat enough to give you energy and fuel your muscles throughout your workout, but you also want to be sure that you're eating early enough and light enough that your food won't sit heavy in your stomach, slowing you down throughout your workout. Combining some of the sources of lean protein mentioned above with the quicker-digesting carbohydrates about an hour before your workout will ensure that you get the nutrition punch you need to keep building muscle.
2. For Weight Loss
Exercising for weight loss means maintaining a tricky balance. You want to eat enough to keep fueling your body and give you plenty of energy to complete those demanding workouts, but you don't want to pack on calories that could prevent you from losing the weight you want to lose. Eating lightly around half an hour before your workout will allow you to head in with maximum energy.
Some combinations
  • A banana with nut butter, especially almond butter
  • Multigrain crackers with hummus
  • An apple with peanut butter or a small handful of nuts
  • 1/2 cup rice or pasta, preferably whole grain
  • Any whole piece of fruit
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal with raisins or berries
Keep in mind that your goal is to fuel your body through your workout. Fasting cardio won't have nearly the same results as a properly fueled workout that will drive your success up. 

3. For Energy
Going into a workout, you want to be sure that your energy levels are high. After all, you're going to push your body hard! If you want to avoid that wall that makes you feel as though you're not going to be able to accomplish your goals, make sure you're providing your body with complex carbohydrates that will help fuel your workout.
These pre-workout foods will give you plenty of energy for your training session:
  • Fruit smoothies
  • Yogurt parfaits with granola and fruit
  • Bananas
  • Oats
  • Multi grain bread with a couple of slices of lean meat
  • Chicken with rice and vegetables
  • Apples with peanut butter and raisins
  • Greek yogurt

4. For Women's Health
Women have unique health concerns. They typically don't burn as many calories per day as men, nor do they have the same workout goals. As a woman, you want to make sure that you're keeping your calories low while still fuelling your workout. You need that same great balance of carbs and protein, but, depending on your workout, you also need to keep the calories low.
Some great pre-workout treats include:

  • Fruit smoothies, especially those made with almond milk or another low-calorie option
  • Greek yogurt
  • Whole fruit
  • Lean meat on top of whole grain bread
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal sweetened with honey or agave
  • 1/2 sweet potato

Hydration Is very important
Your body needs water to function.
Good hydration has been shown to sustain and even enhance performance, while dehydration has been linked to significant decreases in performance
It's recommended to consume both water and sodium before exercise. This will improve fluid balance.

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